My darling sister bought me a MAC quad for Christmas, and she filled it for me! I had asked her for the quad palette and suggested a number of colours which I liked, so that she could just choose the one for me, and I would then fill up the rest. On Christmas morning I was gobsmacked to find a MAC quad under the tree which had been filled!

I have been loving the shades she chose for me so much, she actually only bought one of the shades I’d mentioned and chose the other 3 herself. She knew that I wanted the Naked 3 palette and so she chose 2 shades with a pink tone that go really nicely together and she also chose a highlighting shade.

The shades I have are Sable, Gleam, All That Glitters, and Woodwinked. I honestly think my sister did a great job choosing these colours. I can pair Sable and Gleam together for a quick and easy pink toned eye look, but I can also pair All That Glitters and Woodwinked together for a nice neutral eye. I love how this little quad can provide me with what I need for two eye looks, I can also pull out a couple of my cream eyeshadows so that I can create two different smokey eye looks.

L-R: Sable, Gleam, All That Glitters, Woodwinked
All four of these are beautiful colours, and I am so glad my sister only choose Woodwinked out of the shades I’d mentioned I liked. I absolutely love Sable and Gleam they have become my go to colours for my everyday makeup look. All four shades have really great pigmentation and I don’t need to worry about fall out, which is the best as I’m usually applying my makeup in a rush.
I also really love the quad palette, it’s perfect for taking away overnight, it gives me two options for my eye makeup without me needing to take lots of single eyeshadows, or even needing to take any extra eyeshadows. The palette itself has a magnetic closure so once it is shut it’s not going to easily fall open in my makeup bag.
If you’re looking for some shades to add to your MAC palette are unsure which to start with then I highly recommend that you go and give these a swatch in store.
Let me know if you’ve tried any of these before, or if you have any recommendations of MAC eyeshadows I should add to my collection next.