Self Expression Magazine

My Love Of Music

By Kvlog101 @KVlog101
Music is a great thing, there are so many genres and styles that there is something for everyone. Recently I have been listening to more music and enjoying the experience of just listening to different genres while I perform everyday tasks such as writing, cooking and traveling. Music is a great tool to pass the time and to motivate when energy is lacking and inspiration is at an all time low, music can help to get you through the day and make boring tasks seem more interesting. 
I go through phases with music and can go months with out listening but then I get in the mood to have a soundtrack in the background which can help me cope with what's going on around me and help to inspire and get the creativity flowing. Every time I have a creative block and need to get the creativity flowing I find my music collection can help to clear my mind or give me ideas and allows me to get on with more work.
I have been asked many times what is your favorite song and my answer is always the same every time I am asked and I just say I don't know, I listen to that much music from many genres and artists I would not be able to pick just one song or artist.
I have been exploring the TV series and films on the Amazon Prime Video Service and currently twelve episodes into season 1 of Nashville, its a great series so far. It is my new background noise/distraction on the TV while I am writing and working on the laptop. Speaking of Amazon I recently purchased the Classically Chilled Album  for while I am designing stuff and it really helps to relax the mind and release the creativity. Here is the link to the CD if you want to buy it:
What is your favorite song/music genre?
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