Wines of South Africa: Part 1 of 3

Ntsiki Biyela, award-winning black woman winemaker from South Africa has her own brand, Aslina, as well as a Wines for the World project with Napa’s Helen Keplinger called Suo.
" data-orig-size="600,400" title="Wine-for-the-World-Biyela-Main-4-600x400" data-image-title="Wine-for-the-World-Biyela-Main-4-600×400" data-orig-file="" style="width: 696px; height: 464px;" itemprop="" height="464" width="696" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="464" alt="Ntsiki Biyela, South Africa's first black woman wine maker." data-original-width="696" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.2","credit":"","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1433512279","copyright":"Per Karlsson, BKWine Photography","focal_length":"50","iso":"1600","shutter_speed":"0.0125","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-large-file="" /> Ntsiki Biyela, South Africa’s first black woman wine maker.Ntsiki Biyela, the first black female winemaker in South Africa
by L.M. Archer
What would you do if you won a scholarship to study a program you knew nothing about, at a place where you didn’t speak the language?
Well, if you’re Kwa-Zulu Natal-born Ntsiki Biyela (En-tee-kee Bee-ye-la), you successfully attend University of Stellenbosch, learn Afrikaans, the regional dialect, and emerge as South Africa’s first black female winemaker. Read more here.
Read the Swedish translation here.
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