Can someone please explain to me where 2013 has gone? At the beginning of the year I had a 3 month old baby who would happily fall asleep on my chest whilst I caught up on some well needed sleep too, now I have a 15 month old toddler who has one nap a day and seems to be growing into a proper little girl more and more each day...this year Abbie has learnt to stand, climb, walk & talk, she started eating solids, celebrated her first birthday & cut her first teeth (finally!), everyday I feel so lucky I have such a beautiful daughter, so well behaved, so full of love & so funny & intelligent! I wonder where she gets all that from.... :D
This year has been one of the most amazing, stressful and biggest learning curves of my life, I went through a rather harsh few months where I was diagnosed with Post Natal Anxiety & suffered from daily panic attacks along with constant worry, all wrapped up together with a nice bout of Insomnia too..It was a very difficult time for me and I haven't actually spoken about it before, I guess the fear of being judged made me hold back, plus I was kinda embarrased too..but I am out the other side now and would love to help perhaps one person who might be feeling the exact same way I did.
I didn't think I would get out of the dark place I was in, I literally felt like I was a useless mum, girlfriend & overall person, but I did what I had to do & that was to ask for help, I went to the doctor & poured my heart out, something instantly felt different, the heaviness on my shoulders seemed so much lighter, & that was the beginning of a brand new me..I could finally see clearly, I saw a future again & I began looking forward to everything, now it's almost a year later & I feel like myself again..I have bad days still, just like everyone but I get through them like a pro now :)
I have had some great opportunities with this blog which I’m so grateful for, it started off as a private site actually, just for us to look back on through our pregnancy, but I noticed other baby blogs out there and loved what they did, which then inspired me to share it with you all, I never thought I would be where I am now, it has become such a passion of mine, I don’t know why I didn’t start up sooner…I have some exciting news coming up in the new year which I can’t wait to share with you all, it gives my blog another avenue to expand to and I’m super excited!
Thank you to my lovely readers who take the time to read my posts, comment & subscribe! I never thought my life would be so interested to others ha, I try to be as honest and upfront as possible in my writing, I like everything to be truthful and not sugar coated, I like my blog to be relatable and true, to make you laugh,cry & smile too.
So, 2014 is beginning tomorrow, I know a lot of people find it cliché with the whole ‘new year, new start’ thing, but if you sit down and think about the things you have achieved this year, events you have been through & things you wish you had done, you can start planning for the new year…Do not regret any choices you have made, they have made you who you are & it’s never too late to start a fresh.
I’ve learnt so much about myself this year, I’ve realised how I probably taken certain things for granted & worried too much over the little things, I've learnt that I'm stronger than I ever thought & that you have to live everyday like it's your last, treasure those who you love & take risks, it might be the best year of your life :)I know this post is a bit all over the place, but I'm just sat here writing however it comes out...I hope you all have a great New Year!Jess xx