I discussed my lucky find of the iSpy Cameras app for my B&N Nook Color in my last post, but I wanted to share with you a few more stunning live videocam pics that I’ve shot thus far all around the world.
No, I’m not a professional photographer — I just play one on my iSpy Cameras app.
Most of the video cams are quite clear, though a few need cleaning or focusing. Surprisingly, there are several that allow the user on the other side of the world (in this case, myself) to control the camera angles and views. What fun! And the best part — you can store your favorites to regularly visit.
By far, my new favorite thing to do is to watch the sunrise/sunset in Wells Beach, Maine –

Also, at Geddy’s Restaurant in Bar Harbour, Maine.

Can you tell that the New England area is my favorite?
I’ve also found that I’m quite a lover of Norway, to my surprise:

Also, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Austria…
Lucerne — I guess where all that cheese comes from?

I daydream of backpacking through here…

…or sailing out of here…

I have fun watching the luxury doggie resort, to make sure the pooches are happy while their owners are away… (There’s also a cool canine agility course in Switzerland that I enjoy, but I haven’t snapped a still of it, as I enjoy watching them run with their owners instead.)

By the way, are you aware that it is winter in Melbourne? [Sigh]. It is 93 degrees over here.

Still, Big Sky, Montana is breathtaking in any season.

And how about a placid private pier picture by the lake in La Belle, maybe with a couple of birds?

If you love the dramatic, how about visiting Spain’s Praia de Razo-Carballo beach? [Goosebumps] I love stormy seascapes.

OK, one last capture for now — beautiful Boston Harbor.

That concludes my iSpy Cameras world tour for today. If you’re lucky, I’ll give you Italian men in their Speedos on the beach next time.

(Sorry the exact locations are approximate or left off. Unfortunately, most camera captures do not include the locations at this time, and I didn’t record them as I excitedly snapped away.)
Enjoy! Download the app yourself from Amazon, as well, for only 99 cents. Yeah, that’s right — vicariously travel the world for only about a dollar.
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