I quite like these watch list posts because they make me realize how much crap I look at! And I am rather disheartened to announce that I bought absolutely nothing from last months list! Well, it’s nearly Christmas people! I’m not used to getting paid four-weekly so I’m panicking that I won’t be able to get everyone the presents I wanted to. I don’t think I’ll be able to afford to get everything I wanted – I had my eye on quite a few things for my mom and my boyfriend!
Check out last months watch list here.
Let’s dive in shall we! First thing is this guy. That’s right – I’m still hoping! And I still think it’s pretty ugly, but that’s probably part of it’s charm! I’ll never give up. Never I say!

I’ve really fancied doing a bit of quilting lately. I’d like to get a bit daring and make a full size quilt for my bed. I also have fabric for a table runner all cut out a ready to go, I just have no batting! It’d be a pretty useless quilt without that. I’ve tried a couple of different types of batting (I really don’t like bamboo blend!) and this one is my favorite by far!

Something else I realised when I decided I wanted to get quilting again – I need fabric. I have lots of smaller pieces, but none of them co-ordinate with each other. I’ve never used a jelly roll, so I want to give them a go and see if I prefer them to fat quarters and other bundles. I really like the colours in this one.

I’ve been after some nose and scar wax for ages! I want to make my own bites, cheekbones etc. and it sounds like this is the stuff I need. This is the cheapest one I can find and I thought it made sense to buy a little bit first to see if I like it. There’s no point in jumping in and spending loads of money on it just to find out I hate it!

And finally, these. Just because. I’m not ashamed to say I enjoy the odd bit of Minecraft every now and then! It sounds lame if you try and tell people what it is, but it’s actually alright!

I’m hoping I’ll actually buy one of the above before next months post! But like I said, it’s nearly Christmas and presents need to be bought. Maybe the fabric will have to wait until after Christmas… le sigh.