You can see November’s watch list here and October’s here.
For once I’m not going to ramble, I’m just going to get straight into things!
First up: Goodnight Mister Tom. Haven’t seen it? Get out.
I absolutely adore this film. It’s so magically, sadly, heartwarmingly… brilliant. It used to be on every Christmas, but for the past two years I haven’t seen it in the guide! I could have been just missing it, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t on at all.
I think it’s quite important that I buy this film… what if it’s never on TV again?! What if I can’t buy the DVD at some point?! And the majority of people I speak to about this film haven’t seen it! Honestly, you should all go and buy it. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen it, sobbed your little heart out and then rejoiced. Leave me a copy though!

Next is batting! I got loads of really nice fabric for Christmas (expect a post soon!) and I’d quite like to make a quilt or something with some of it, but I need batting! I don’t usually get this one but I like that it’s already in the size I need!

I’m trying with Sims 3, I really really am. I do have Sims 4 but I’m not too keen, and my PC isn’t quick enough to let it run smoothly anyway. I figured maybe if I got another expansion pack I may get more into it… I used to spend HOURS on Sims 2 (mainly making houses), but I really am struggling with Sims 3. I don’t know why, it might just be because I spent years and years perfecting 2!
…Or maybe it’s because I’m older now.. no, that can’t be it.

And I’m still holding on to Orphan Black! Season 2 still isn’t on Netflix so my only chance of seeing it is to buy the DVD, but I don’t want to buy the second one without buying the first! I want to watch the first season again anyway to refresh my memory… this month may be the month I finally shut up and get it!

Oh. ERMEHGERD! This I am very excited about. I think we’ve spoken about coffee and my love of caffiene – gingerbread latte’s in particular – a lot on my blog, but damn they’re expensive! I’m spending £3 – £6 on Costa A DAY! That’s absolutley ridiculous, and such a waste of money. So what’s my solution? Stop drinking nice coffee? Hell no.
I used to work in a cafe that had one of those massive coffee machines, so I thought why not just get myself a miniture one? I know how to use it and it’ll work out a hell of a lot cheaper in the long run…

He should be here TOMORROW! I’m so excited, and I’ll do a post so you guys can meet him properly haha!
Have a great day!