Lifestyle Magazine

My Cute, Quirky, Colourful Little Calligraphy Heart Decorations for Your Wedding

By Claire

These cute and quirky heart place names are hand­writ­ten in my favorite script, and in white and pas­tel inks for a con­tem­po­rary feel. I’ve been exper­i­ment­ing with adding lit­tle flow­ers, rus­tic twine and rib­bons too. There’s a heart in my cal­lig­ra­phy stu­dio for every style and occa­sion… and I’m offer­ing free sam­ples today!

For a free cal­lig­ra­phy heart sam­ple all you need to do is email with your name, wed­ding date, style or colours and postal address.

Hearts are usu­ally priced at £2.40 each but your sam­ple will be totally free.

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Cute, quirky, colour­ful heart place names for weddings

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The hearts come in all kinds of colours from pas­tels to brights, even darker colours with white, sil­ver or gold ink. I can add rib­bon or twine, and paper flow­ers in a range of shapes and styles. The price is £2.40 per heart so for 80 guests you’ll pay less than £200 in total. They dou­ble as wed­ding favours too — peo­ple always love to take any­thing home that has their names on!
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