I’m so excited for the first-ever week-long Bloggiesta! Bloggiesta is a fun working party to make our blogs all nice and spiffy — spring-cleaning for the website.
In case you didn’t see it earlier, I’m running a mini-challenge for this Bloggiesta about Making Memes. Check it out! I have a very low-commitment level to join, so if you’ve ever wanted to have a good think about whether or not you want to host a meme, this is the perfect opportunity!
The Bloggiesta folks organized the Twitter chats for each day by a theme, so I’m going to follow the same themes to organize my goals this week.
Here’s the plan:
Sunday — Preparation. This is my standard list of what I do at the beginning of Bloggiesta.
- Back up with FileZilla
- Back up with WordPress tool
- Install WordPress updates
- Test my website load time with Pingdom Tools as recommended by The Redhead Riter
- Run the security scan at Sucuri as recommended by Sophisticated Dorkiness
Monday — PEOPLE.
- Comment on Bloggiesta sign-up posts
- Complete a people-oriented mini-challenge
- Look into nReply and other comment notifiers to put on my blog
- Think about how to establish a habit of replying to all comments on my blog
- Look into Feedly
- Think about how to establish a habit of reading blogs more regularly
- 3pm Central Time: participate in Twitter chat on Comments and Followers
Tuesday — E-PRESENCE.
- Complete a social media mini-challenge
- Catch up on Google Plus.
- Think about how to establish a habit of using Google Plus more
- Clean up all emails that are related to my blog
- Reorganize my Pinterest boards
- Think about how to make better use of Pinterest
- Clean up my Twitter follows
- 6pm Central Time: participate in Twitter chat on Social Media
Wednesday — DISPLAY.
- Complete a display-oriented mini-challenge
- Clean up my Categories
- Update the Health Books page
- Set up a Books Read page
- 11am Central Time: participate in Twitter chat on layout
Thursday — REVIEWS.
- Complete a mini-challenge about blog posts
- Write all out-standing reviews
- Draft other future posts
- (no Twitter chat for me on Thursday because I’ll be learning about Witnessing Whiteness at a community meeting)
Friday — ORGANIZE.
- Complete an organization mini-challenge
- Finish the Books Read page if I didn’t get it done on Wednesday
- Work on new habits for G+, Pinterest, email, and blog-reading
- 8pm Central Time: participate in Twitter chat on organization
Saturday — BOOKS and READING.
- Complete a mini-challenge about books and reading
- Consider how I’m doing on my 2015 challenges and plan to make progress
- Read something
- (No Twitter chat for me on Saturday because I’ll be attending a family gathering, an early Easter celebration to accommodate a college student on spring break)
- Complete a mini-challenge that looks like fun
- Investigate plug-ins that might help my site’s speed, security, or SEO
- 2pm Central Time: participate in “free for all” Twitter chat
If I get even half of all that done, it will be a very good week! Are you joining the Bloggiesta party?