Food & Drink Magazine

My 7 Links- Slowly Getting Back into Blogging

By Mamawithflavor @MaWithFlavor

Hey y'all! How's Autumn going for ya? I know we're only 2 days in, but it's been freaking beautiful here!
Anyway, I've been tagged by my lovely friend Amy Kim over at to participate in an online blogger's game  My 7 links started by TripBase to unite is whatever you blog about. I am so happy that Amy tagged me, because I've been so nervous about jumping back in the blog scene. Also good as I didn't do a 1st year anniversary post! #slacka. So allow me to start:
Your Most Beautiful Post: Still Have Leftovers? Try these Turkey Day "Pasties"
Turkey Dinner
I woke up early on my birthday to get just the right amount of light to photograph this recipe. If I was going to make my own take of pasties, I wanted to make sure they looked as awesome as they tasted. Living in Germany I've been more inspired by British cooking than German...weird. But look out for some more German recipes soon- have been experimenting on my hiatus :D
Your Most Popular Post: Chicken Broccoli Penne Alfredo
alfredoThis is the first blog post that was ever accepted by Tastespotting. After learning more about the photo sites, I tried my hand and had several declined so I stopped. Then I submitted this recipe to Pioneer Woman's Tasty Kitchen and Cook Eat Share and it got a lot of attention so I thought? Why not share this with Tastespotting and holy crap they accepted! This is one of the first recipes I shared on my blog when I really blogging on and off, so it had maybe 45 views which was a lot for even then as I averaged maybe 12 hehe. Thanks mom!
Your Most Helpful Post: Homemade Ricotta
My 7 Links- slowly getting back into bloggingAs a budding foodie or whatever the cool word is for loving all aspects of food, as soon as I read that I could make my own ricotta and how freaking easy it was? I was ALL over it! Had a few friends try it themselves and it always nice to hear some tried something because I did! My goal in blogging about food is to get others inspired to cook period.
A Post Whose Success Surprised You: Parsnip Fritters with Blue Cheese Walnut Whip
strayThese were really really really good, but I didn't think they'd garner much attention. But as soon as I posted I got 3 comments. I was flabbergasted! I didn't think there were many parsnip lovers out there, but I am happy to know there are many apparently!
A post you feel didn't get the attention it deserved: Santa's Mincemeat Pies
Mince Pies for santaA lot folk doesn't like meat and sweet in the same sentence. I am not going to lie, when I first heard about mincemeat, I thought GROSS! But the more I learned about food, and I actually read the ingredients I thought. YUM. So I had to try this. I couldn't find suet as it was a last minute decision so I went with a David Lebovitz recipe for Quick Mincemeat and it ROCKED! This will be a holiday tradition! The pastry was perfect everything- lucky santa!!
The post you're most proud of: Peach Barbecue Personal Pizza
pizza1So happy I took a chance and it garnered amazing results loved by the whole family! My children normally hate peaches, but they loved this so much. Since then I've tweaked and made even more fruity versions. Taking chances with food is particularly difficult with children in the house sneaking in goodness and them liking it is always awesome! Same with my Autumn Mac N Cheese made with hokkaido squash :)
Well I hoped you enjoyed! Was cool reading through some old post to find these. A big thank you to all who still follow my blog- the support is amazing. I love the blog community xxxxx
Jessica- Mommyhood Next Right
Peggy- My Fiance Likes so it MUST be good!
Becca- Living Wright at Home
Celeste- Cooking Creations
Have fun with this! This was definitely fun reading the archives and going back in time. Inspires me to challenge myself even more. And it's so fun reading others' thoughts on their own blog posts read hidden gems!

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