Food & Drink Magazine

My 3 Learn So Differently

By Mamawithflavor @MaWithFlavor
My 3 Learn So Differently
I've learned the hard way that learning is not a race! All children are created/learn differently.
My 3 Learn So Differently
My 3 children learn so differently. My daughter needs a lot of explanation and time, my oldest learns by doing after practicing a few times it seems to be committed to his memory, my youngest learn independently, meaning he wants no help 90% of the time.
My 3 Learn So Differently
This week I was working with my daughter and son with alphabet and vocabulary. My youngest learned his ABCs (with no help from me, but with the Super Why App). He is really adamant about learning on his own with no help. Something I hope will change once he's in school. After watching his sister learn A-H he was really adamant about doing "homework" too. We gave him worksheets and he did them all perfectly! I was so impressed and proud. We had some worries about his speech development but since he's the baby of the family, everyone does everything for him including talk. Recently he's been talking a lot and a little more clear. We are making sure everyone in the house, especially his brother and sister doesn't speak baby talk to him so he can use his words. If he uses grunts or sounds the object he wants makes when asking for something we will correct him and ask him to use his words. We are very proud of his progress and continue to read and have him explain what happened in the story to help him talk. Not to have him speak like a child genius but to use communication more effectively. We are so proud that he knows how to spell his name now!

Working with my daughter was way different than my oldest. I have a lot more going on now and she needs a lot of time. Patience, smiles and plastic smiles is what helps her I've learned lol. She has shown so much progress, confidence, and eagerness to learn I feel like my, no, our hard work is paying off.
My 3 Learn So Differently
My 3 Learn So DifferentlyLower case 'h's were a bit challenging but she got it with practiceSo any parents out there, don't pressure. Your kids will let you know when they are ready and take it patiently from there. Some kids start before others, but don't let that bring you down. Once kids catch on, they won't let go.

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