Hair & Beauty Magazine

My 2014 Blogging Resolutions

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
I haven't set any life related resolutions for 2014 as I really just have a list of goals, but I have put together a few blogging related resolutions that I plan to stick to this year. 2013 was a great year for Behind These Closed Eyes as it hit 1000 GFC followers, had far too many makeovers and brought about so many exciting opportunities. This blog really has turned into my baby over the last 2 years and is still a huge hobby of mine, so hopefully 2014 can be another great year for BTCE. I just want to say a quick thank you to you all because your wonderful support really does mean the world to me!
1. Comment more
I've really gotten into the bad habit of reading blog posts and not leaving a comment. Whether it's because I'm just rushed for time or am feeling lazy, I'm determined to share the love and write more comments on your lovely blog posts! The blogging community is such a welcoming and friendly group so I feel bad for not doing my bit to encourage other bloggers when so many others do the very same thing for me.
2. Reply to your lovely comments Continuing on with the subject of comments, I'm making it my mission to reply to all of the comments left on my blog posts from now on. So many of you take the time to leave your thoughts on my posts so it's only fair that I take the time to reply to you all. Last year I even made the move to Disqus in order to make it easier to reply to comments, but lazy me struck again and that didn't happen.
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3. Write more reviews I feel as though I've really lost the knack for writing product reviews so I'd love to get back into the swing of it in 2014, especially when I've received (and bought) so many new products over the Christmas period! I'm sure there will be a variation in the length of reviews depending on each product, but you can be sure that there will be quick to-the-point and longer in-depth reviews coming your way this year.
4. Be more organised It's so easy for things to get a big manic when it comes to blogging and keeping to a schedule, so this year I'm striving to be a lot more organised with the help of my new diary for 2014. Jotting down notes helped me through my time at university and even now as a graduate, so it's only right that I carry on keeping a note of blog post ideas & my thoughts on products.
5. Be more active on social media
Whether it's Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest, I'd quite like to have a bigger presence on social media this year. Social media is such a key tool for promoting your blog and new posts so I'll be doing my best to keep my social networking pages updated. 
6. Get to grips with my camera
I've been using my bother's Canon 550D for over a year now and I feel as though there's still so much to learn about it. I've had plenty of practice with focus and have dabbled in adjusting the white balance & ISO settings, but apart from that I'm still a DSLR novice and would love to learn more about the settings and how to enhance my photos.
Do you have any blogging resolutions this year?

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