Welcome to another installment of the Monthly Wine Writers Challenge.
#MWWC13: Serendipity
By L.M. Archer, FWS
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Yes, folks…it’s time to interrupt binNotes’ regular posts for another
Monthly Wine Writing Challenge throw-down.
Let’s start with some shout-outs to #MWWWC brainchild, thedrunkencyclist, last month’s MWWC winner, TalkaVino, and The ArmChair Sommelier for MWWC ‘s winning logo.
This month’s Wine Writing Challenge topic: Serendipity
Serendipity: ‘the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.’ -New Oxford American Dictionary
Serendipity. The story of binNotes, actually. For if it weren’t serendipity – a term coined from Horace Walpole’s The Three Princes of Serendip…starting with a stumble down the rabbit hole of wine drinking, forays into freelance writing, a gob-smacking Larry Meinhert lecture on terroir, life-altering trip to Burgundy, pains-taking accreditation in wines of France and Bourgogne, ongoing forays into the wine regions of France, Spain and beyond, sorties into the Willamette Valley, insights into the business of wine, wine growing and wine makers, revelation of a wine-making soul sister, pursuit of cyber-stumbling upon fellow bloggers like The Drunken Cyclist, and subsequent swallowing whole into the maws of MWWC… serendipity accounts for virtually every ‘red thread’ shared here on binNotes.
As 2014 draws to a close, binNotes counts her blessings for serendipity, ‘the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way’ in wine and words. The thing about serendipity, though…it only happens when you’re NOT looking for it…Santé!

L.M. Archer, FWS | Bougogne ML, creator of binNotes and The Red Thread, writes about food, wine and travel.
" data-lage-file="http://binnotes.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/handprint-2.jpg?w=480" data-orig-size="480,640" title="The Red Thread" data-image-title="The Red Thread" data-orig-file="http://binnotes.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/handprint-2.jpg" style="width: 806px; height: 1075px;" height="1075" width="806" data-medium-file="http://binnotes.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/handprint-2.jpg?w=225" data-original-height="1075" alt="" data-original-width="806" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"1"}" /> Wine…the red thread that binds us all.Care to share? Leave your comments below.
Psst…You can vote for binNotes’ MWWC13 entry? Vote here.
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