I've had my eye on this stupendously excellent build for the last few weeks. Its from a chap called Jim Bush and has been published on his "Bushman's Motorcycle Site". Jim is a Kiwi based in Canada and if there's one thing in particular Kiwis seem to do better than just about everyone else- it's build motorcycles.
In Jim's own words (and when I say 'own words' I really mean I stole it from the website") "The synopsis is simple - build a streetable Classic 1970's MV AGUSTA, MAGNI Style Race REPLICA using a modern MV 750 F4 engine, the rest is old school - wire wheels, Borani rims, 4LS Grimeca front brake, 750 America Gas Tank. a MV full fairing and those magnificent MAGNI swan-neck megaphones."
Ive shown a few pics of the finished article but what I really recommend is you check out the build in full- the progress reports are a great read.
Fantastic work!

Photo Credits: Jim Bush