Wow, well last night was exciting! I do get carried away with hype but when it comes to Taylor I'm easily pleased, she's amaze in every way. My plan for an early night was ruined by giddiness for her Yahoo Live Stream (the first ever) at 10pm. What was it all about? I expected new music and that is what she gave in a cute thirty minutes which felt like she was hosting her own show as she naturally spoke to the camera like a pro and danced with the audience as if it was an intimate house party with her pals. Nothing phases this lass!

After jigging along care-free to her new POP single Shake It Out she then premiered the perfect video which I ended up watching another five time, I couldn't sleep, too excited for this crazy good tune which is a huge departure from the first Taylor I fell for with her country twang but the pop transition was inevitable as Red came with a handful of chart toppers. Shake It Off is cute, funny, charming, self aware and catchy as hell, what else would you want? There's horns, a rap and some humming on the track co-written with Max Martin who worked with Tay on We Are Never Getting Back Together and I Knew You Were Trouble. The video works perfectly with the song as she portrays different characters poking fun of herself and perceptions of popular culture. I really can't get enough of this girl, 27th October feels like a long wait for album five, 1989 but no doubt the wait will be justified. The first thing I did when I woke this morning? Watched it another two times. OBSESSED! And when I got home from work, yep, straight on it!

Enjoy Taylor playing about as a ballerina, cheer leader, GaGa and a ghetto girl in the video for Shake It Off here. It might be a little Avril Lavigne-y but it's too good to even compare. I'm gonna miss those hints of country but the progression is necessary to take advantage of Taylor's rise in celebritism.