It may not be Monday for much longer, but that's good enough for me. Today I've pretty much just been playing catch up, as there's a lot of stuff I haven't gotten around to checking out yet. There's no excuses for it, really, but regardless, I'm nigh-on all caught up now!

This week I pre-ordered deadmau5's latest album, while (1<2). I already knew I was going to love it, so pre-ordered the CD from Amazon UK for the car, despite the fact that I could've purchased the digital version straight away. Nevertheless, due to Amazon's AutoRip technology, I now have the digital version of the album to listen to while I wait for the CD to arrive some time later this week.
I love deadmau5's music. So mellow and relaxing in parts, so heavy in others, and throughout it's entirety it is beautifully composed and produced. This album is no different, of course (not that we expected it to be).
Some of my favourite tracks include Aravitia, Infra Turbo Pigcart Racer, Pets, and Seeya. Definitely definitely check it out. Admittedly, it is quite long, standing at a staggering 27 tracks, and totally well over 2 hours, but it's so worth it.
Purchase Deadmau5 - while(1<2) here.

Secondly, today I caught up with the Essential Mix I missed on Friday night, from the incredible Porter Robinson. I've been a huge fan of Porter for a few years now, and I've loved watching him progress and truly find his style within the music industry. This mix is 100% proof that he is there.
Full to the brim with Japanese influences, this mix is just Porter right to the core, and it is so beautifully put together. I am so incredibly excited for his debut album.

Stream, and complete track list available here.
While we're on mixes, today I started watching the recording of Skrillex's show last night at Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Colorado. Another unmissable event that I missed due to sleeping off a late night at work. Nevertheless, the quality of this stream I found is amazing, I might as well have been there. Sob.
I'm a huge fan of Skrillex. He provides me with constant inspiration. And this set was truly phenomenal. You can tell just within the first 20 minutes that he is so passionate about his work, and the work of his peers, constantly debuting new songs his label has released within his sets, and shouting out to new artists. The crazy jumping around gives it away a little bit too.
My favourite moment in this set was when during Make It Bun Dem, he turns the music way down, in order to hear the crowd screaming, and turns it back up just in time to hear the sample " Rude boy bass, mash up the place". Goosebumps.

Sidenote: I pretty much only loved this so much because he did this when I saw him play at Leeds Festival last year, and now incidentally it's my favourite thing ever.
Watch the full set here.
Finally, today dons the release of the brand new Lido EP on Pelican Fly. Now, I've been waiting a while for this gem to drop in the UK, ever since Lido released his teaser track ' Money' over Soundcloud.

The whole EP echoes the same vibes as the first single, a catchy, upbeat, melodic and a truly gorgeous release.
Listen to and purchase Lido's I Love You EP here.
Monday 23 June 2014, 11:44pm