It's time for another #MummyandMe link up, I am loving getting these photos of me & my girls every month. I normally just talk about the photos and where we were when we took them, but I want to start talking more about what we've been up too the whole month and how life has been for us that month.

March has been a bit of a tricky one I'd say. Warren going back to work and Sienna back to playgroup, as well as getting to grips with the breastfeeding and juggling work and everything else has been a tough transition.

It's been up and down.. one day I feel like everything is under control & I'm supermum and then the next I'm crying on the sofa feeling like the worst parent in the world. I guess some of that is my hormones though.. I forget Aria isn't even 6 weeks old yet.. I feel like she's always been part of our family. We will always have good and bad days I guess.. I just hope the bad days involve less tears in the future from at least one of us!

Sienna has been adjusting too.. she started being whingey..I think it was for attention as my time with her has obviously been a lot less than she's used too. She also started waking in the night, sometimes several times and I think it was because she was feeling a bit left out as Aria is in our room and she isn't but she seems to have stopped now. I try to get some one on one time with Sienna when Aria naps to do colouring or play-doh etc.

Sienna is so loving towards Aria all the time & still wants to help so much which I'm amazed at..I thought the novelty would have worn off by now! I'm glad there hasn't been any jealousy or 'can we take her back now' type comments either... she actually says 'you're so cute.. I'm gonna keep ya' just like from the Frozen movie haha. Most mornings she comes in and says 'Hello beautiful' to her because she hears me say it. I just melt!

We managed our first girly day trip out (with my mom as well) to the Wild Place Project in Bristol with Trunki which was lovely and surprisingly stress free. Both girls were so well behaved, it makes me so proud and like I'm doing ok when Sienna has fun on our days out.

I wonder what next month will bring for me and my girls!

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