Photography Magazine

MUMBAI Postcards

By Akilavenkat @artistexpress

MUMBAI Postcards
In a world that is ruled by technology, all it takes is a single touch to wish someone for a specific occasion. Imagining receiving a wish the 90's way out of the blue with a few hand written words of love and care is undoubtedly going to throw us off balance; in a good way that is. The realisation of someone taking out time for us to write their feelings and share it via post would definitely elate us. I want to give you all that opportunity to get in touch with your folks with a personal touch. I shall be printing postcards very soon and the theme this time is MUMBAI. The all encompassing city that it is, no Mumbaikar should miss this awesomeness. This would prove to be a beautiful chance to flaunt the city's best frames that would carry close to the heart messages from you to the targeted one! Come back soon to check out the collection. Good day! Grin Wide!

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