Family Magazine

Ms C on Wilko Packaging

By Etspeaksfromhome
Ms C on Wilko PackagingEarly April, Ms C went for her modelling job and now her photo has hit the shelves!  I think it has been there for quite some time but I forgot to look out for it!  I found that she is on the Wilko Play: Ice Cream and Waffle Dough Set and also on the Cleaning Trolley.Today, I went to town and found her photo on the ice cream set packaging but have not seen the cleaning trolley.  Hopefully I will see it in a bigger store soon.  Wilko used to print catalogues but they have stopped it now.  So I was unable to bring one back home for a keepsake!  I will just have to take the digital copy for now.I wonder how many homes she will end up in as a Christmas present?

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