Self Expression Magazine

Moving Forward, Photography Projects and More...

By Kvlog101 @KVlog101
When I first started the blog I never imagined were it was going to lead and in the past several months I have been planning some great content for over the holidays and in to next year. It seems recently that I am always working on somethings and making stuff but there comes a point were you can take too much on and things can get side tracked, this is the case with two projects in particular...
I have been planning one photography project for the last couple of months and hope to get it under way in the coming weeks, this is something I have wanted to do for a while and it will be a nice break for the normal everyday business.
Since getting a new phone I have been playing around with several apps and will have  some app reviews up very soon also I am going to be posting Instagram photos to my new Instagram account were you could catch sneak peaks of prop builds and the many projects I am involved with. If you are interested in what I am doing be sure to follow me on Instagram here:
There is plenty of stuff going on at the moment and though it seems the blogs have been silent for a while I have been working away on three projects that will be posted during November and December. There will be about 4 or 5 gift guides on the review blog to help showcase some of the top presents for the up and coming holiday season. 
The Photography blog will have a large update very soon as I have been photo editing and making a few bits for the blog over the past month so be sure to check them out.
Thanks for reading and supporting the blog.  

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