Food & Drink Magazine

Moving Diary 5/20/13

By Mamawithflavor @MaWithFlavor
I got to talk to my mom yesterday. That was nice. She's still feeling really really down about all of the close deaths in our family. I hope seeing me and my family soon lift her spirits. I miss her and my brother, we definitely need to see one another as much as we can.
I've been feeling really ill all week. I've been ill since Friday afternoon. Stupid weather here. It's been terrible. Rainy most days and sunny maybe one. So annoying. I did get done as much as I could. I went through all the 'junk' drawers, you know the one you put pamphlets, receipts, earrings that don't match, screws etc.  I cleaned those out. I also moved most of our seasonal decor from flimsy boxes to better storage compartments. Trying to have an organized start! We have a lot of stuff! I did get rid of a lot of stuff as well. We still had 220V Christmas lights that we forgot to get rid of. Well luckily we've already made arrangements to have metal and electrical items picked up. I guess will be getting rid of our vacuum the very last minute, with kids you need that every single day, several times a day.
We think our neighbors will love rummaging through our things this week, I hope. I would love to see things get a new home than have to get dumped somewhere.
Well today, I am going to try to do as much laundry as possible and sort out more clothes. Mostly me eldest.   He is growing so fast and his pants are getting shorter every day. I also will call some rental car agencies in the states to see whether or not we can rent a car for our trip to see our families. That will be a very very exhausting week.

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