The movie is worth writing a review because a Movie which shows right path to people these days Vanished like Bible, Quran and Gita from the hands and shelves of the people. This movie is making a comic comment on the Insurance Companies making fun of Calamity struck Insured People with different *Conditions Applied Tags and showing their own signatures of Agreement here and there.
This Movie as an excerpt from the dialog of the film says an all in one Movie, Fair Music, common people common problems shown without much Propaganda. Dialogue have deep meanings Inside them, Like These are not God Loving People but God Fearing People. How the Business of Religion is blended well and served beautifully by the director. A Point we all must have seen on many insurance policies but never questions in which Act of God is seen excluded from Insurance Reimbursements. The topic is sensitive and may hurt many but the director and actors are able to touch the nerves of the people without hurting the sentiments.
It has one more message in it the Cinema is getting mature and Bollywood is thinking. Despite Junk of Masala Movies, movies like this makes audience think of Answers to questions they asked themselves one or the other day.
Are we doing justice to our Faith, Traditions and Religion?
Simple examples of how we as Religious people are making God an Industry this nation is democratic and everybody has its right to expression. But is very difficult for a Country, Religion or as a human digest a point that we see people dying next to a sewer with milk wasted from temple. The faith should not be mistaken with fear and hence faith is misunderstood these days to be fearful to God. Whereas God extends its hands to all its Followers as not to be followers forever but be a friend of him and believe themselves more than anything else. God even has to prove on this earth that it exists. We think ourselves as logical community are we really logical on side we read the Holy books which says god cannot be created nor destroyed and on the other hand we give exchange scheme to god. Actually we sometimes Bribe God everyday for some or the other things and blame him for all the deeds misdeeds in our life. This movie don't show how to live life, but it shows how to make life beautiful because god cannot whisper in our ear how to breath.
But will surely show us the path how to live life to the fullest. Living Life to the Fullest and Live Life as it Comes I think are the best take always from this Flick.
Go Go Go Govinda…..