Books Magazine

Mouth-Watering Monday #4

Posted on the 06 December 2011 by Thetravelingreader @travelingreadr

Mouth-Watering Monday #4
Mouth-Watering Monday is a new weekly meme started by Brittany at Nice Girls Read Books. As book bloggers, we love to admire pretty covers, old and new. This meme takes the guilt out of judging a book by its cover, instead embracing it and showing off our favourite finds of the week!

You’re in for an orangey-green (or is it greenish orange?) treat this week! Savor the coverlicious goodness of these beauties.

interworld by neil gaiman and michael reaves
when you reach me by rebecca stead

between two ends by david ward
black juice by margo lanagan

  • Interworld by Neil Gaiman and Michael Reaves
  • When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead
  • Between Two Ends by David Ward
  • Black Juice by Margo Lanagan

Sorry that my post is a day late. I wasn’t feeling too well yesterday (and even today) so I wasn’t able to post this then.


Mouth-Watering Monday #4

Images are properties of their respective authors and publishers. All rights reserved.

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