Health Magazine

Mouth Bacteria and Pancreatic Cancer- Weird Link Between the Two

Posted on the 19 June 2014 by Health_news

Mouth bacteria and pancreatic cancer

Levels of two types of mouth bacteria, Campylobacter and leptotrichia in the people with pancreatic cancer is higher than any other healthy people. Your oral health may be potentially linked to the cancer risk. The bacteria which cause the gum disease is associated with risk of pancreatic cancer.

The survival rate of pancreatic cancer is very less. More than 90% patients die within 5 years after diagnosis. It is difficult to detect pancreatic cancer in early stages. It is detected, when it spread to pother body parts. The pancreas plays major role in regulation of blood sugar levels. Tumor in the pancreas impairs the hormone regulation. When cancer is diagnosed at advantage stage, then it is difficult to remove the tumor, as it has expanded into the organs or near blood vessels. In 10% cases, the tumor can be removed through surgery. But in most of the cases, it is difficult to remove it, as it is advanced. Treatments like chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy cannot cure the cancer, but can reduce the tumors and slow down the cancer’s spread.

With a better method of diagnosing the pancreatic cancer at an early stage, the survival rate of the cancer patient can be improved. As per the new research, oral bacteria test with a sample of gum, Salvia or plaque may help doctors to find out which person has a risk of pancreatic cancer.

As per the new research, Porphyromonas gingivalis bacteria found in the people with pancreatic cancer. Porphyromonas gingivalis is an oral bacteria which cause periodontal disease or gum disease. In this disease, the tissues around the teeth and gum gets destroyed. Swollen gums, bleeding gums or mouth sores are the symptoms of the gum disease. Experts do not know how to remove the bad oral bacteria. But they advise flossing.

Excess weight, diabetes, smoking or long lasting inflammation of pancreas increases the risk of pancreatic cancer. There are several ways using which you can test the pancreatic cancer, but they are expensive.You can reduce the risk of cancer, by reducing weight, quit smoking or maintain diabetes under control.

It is not 100% proven that risk of pancreatic cancer increases due to gum disease. But as per the new research there is a significant link between these two things. So it is better to take care of oral health and avoid risk of pancreatic cancer.

It shows that oral health is very important. It is simple to maintain the oral health. You can do this by following three simple rules – brushing the teeth two times a day, reduce the intake of sugary food as well drinks and most importantly visit the dentist regularly.

If you have loose teeth, bad breath, mouth infections or while brushing your gums regularly bleed, then do not ignore it.  These symptoms show that you may have gum disease. Consult the dentist, which may help you. With a healthier mouth, you may have a healthier pancreas also.

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