Art & Design Magazine

Morocco Odyssey 2 [Orange You Glad It's Friday]

By Shattman
On the way north from Casablanca to Chefchaouen, we stopped for lunch in a busy little town along the way. Here we enjoyed delicious food in a local restaurant. Of course, the meal was prepared fresh and in the open for us to watch.
Morocco Odyssey 2   [Orange You Glad It's Friday] 
Olives were present at virtually all meals; too bad I never acquired a taste for them. However, I did become fond of the Moroccan ‘national drink’, mint tea [avec sucre]. There is a little tea ceremony that accompanies its pouring; I will post that later on in the trip.
Morocco Odyssey 2   [Orange You Glad It's Friday]
During our wait for the meal serving, all manner of folks came by trying to sell a variety of wares, such as watches or eye glasses. This chap had no success, however.
Morocco Odyssey 2   [Orange You Glad It's Friday]
Two gents approached my wife and, while I missed their ‘conversation’, apparently one of them used the German word for ball-point pen. That prompted Rosemarie to gift her Kugelschreiber [and notepad]. While the two appear quite delighted below, a minor dispute ensued as to who got what.
Morocco Odyssey 2   [Orange You Glad It's Friday]
While I am not big on photographing the food I am about to eat, I thought this was worth recording. According to Wikipedia, a tajine is a Berber dish that is named after the earthenware pot it is slow cooked in. This was the first of many tajines during our trip, and they were all delicious [along with this, we also were served the meat grilling in the topmost pic].
Morocco Odyssey 2   [Orange You Glad It's Friday]

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