We’re at a turning point in our thinking when it comes to energy. People are interested in the green movement and with a few good ideas you can put on a successful fund raiser event with a green slant. Here are a few ideas of products that can be used for your green fundraiser.
Reusable Shopping Bags
It doesn’t take a lot of energy to do your part for the environment. For a donation people can start using reusable for their grocery shopping. A smart ideas considering that a plastic bag sits in garbage lot decomposing for a thousand years. You can even have the bags printed with your clubs or business logos for good advertising.
Healthy Food
Instead of the old fundraising stand bys of chocolate bars you can switch to trail mix. Made with fruits and nuts this is a healthy and unique alternative. This ideas represents school sports teams well.
Recycling Drive
Ink cartridges, cell phones, old computers, cans and bottles can all be used for recycling drives. You can charge for pick up and disposable of some of these items. Get commision reselling the ink cartridges again.
Tree Planting
Sell tree saplings and get donations for each tree planted. Your help restoring forests, soil and clean air with this green fundraiser. Trees also provide natural shade and homes for animals.You can help green up city parks or donors back yards.
These are just some of the green fundraising ideas there are. What other green ideas have worked for your fundraisers? Share in the comments section.I’d love to have a collection of great ideas that people can use to help them put on a profitable green fundraiser.
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