I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend filled with family, lots of laughs and good eats :) I don’t think any of my posts so far have garnered such opposing opinions as my Havana Rooftops multiple exposure that I posted last Friday.
Some of you didn’t like it…I mean really didn’t like it and some of you did. I actually found all the comments refreshing and I want to thank everyone that did comment and offered their opinion. As photographers we want people to like, no love our work. It’s one of the reasons we do what we do but it’s not the only reason. There’s also the self-satisfaction of creating something different. Sometimes when we look through the viewfinder we see something that may not be there physically but rather in our minds. The definition of creative is “having or showing an ability to make new things or think of new ideas.” While some of these ideas will appeal to some they won’t appeal to others. I can just imagine what some people must have said when Jackson Pollock create his first piece of art.
Oh please don’t get me wrong, I am in no way comparing my work with that of Jackson Pollock. I’m just making an analogy between his experimentation and mine.
Some of you asked what the original image looked like. Here it is…
And I’ll give you one more of my “experimentations” before I leave and I promise I’ll get back to my regularly scheduled program with my next post :) Oh…and please leave a comment and let me know what you think…either way.
Click on the image to enlarge or to Purchase a Print.