Books Magazine

Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2014

By Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books
Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2014Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2014Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2014
Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2014Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2014Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2014
Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2014Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2014
I seem to have picked up the pace this month! Which, quite frankly, is a relief. Last Saturday was Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon, so that certainly helped me plow through a few books - a couple of shorter ones, but hey, they count!
I'd say the real high point for me this month was The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry. I went into it without any expectations, and was transported to a world that, despite being full of real life, horrible events, was also full of love, magic (not literally) and wonder. It has been awhile since I've been so transported by a book, or wanted to highlight so many passages. It wasn't a long read, but it was an intensely satisfying one.
Here are some of the reviews I posted in April:

Other things you might have missed this month:
  • I was awarded a Liebster Blog Award
  • I made an extensive wishlist of bookish things (that aren't books) I would love to own
  • I ran down my top ten characters who make a perfect pair
  • I listed my favorite books I received as gifts
  • I participated in Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon and finished three books
  • I made some book recommendations based on which movies and TV shows you like

And I managed to avoid any April Fools pranking! I'm feeling pretty good about that.
What did you all get up to in the past month? What was your best read of April? Share in the comments!

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