Arts & Crafts Magazine

Monday Quiz About Me 7-9-2012

By Glosews @Glo_Sews
Acting Balanced
This week I am joining up with Acting Balanced for the Monday Quiz About Me.  Every week she has 4 questions to answer, plus a 5th question can be added by me.  This is loads of fun, so if you wish to add your blog to the list and join us, visit Acting Balanced and join up!
Here are the questions for this week, plus one of my own.
1. What are two must haves when you go on a road trip?
2. What is your favorite amusement park ride?
3. Post favorite picture from the last six months?
4. What do you (did you) call your grandparents?   If you are a grandparent what do your grandchildren call you?
5.  With record breaking heat in most of the country this summer, what have you been doing to try to beat the heat?
Here are my answers:
1.  My two must haves for a road trip are a cooler filled with ice and bottled water or soft drinks and my Ipod and speaker.
2.  In my younger years I loved all the amusement park rides, but I have to admit that a nice ride on the carousel is about all I can handle now.  Other rides either make me sick, dizzy or both!

Monday Quiz About Me 7-9-2012

Carousel at the Chattanooga Zoo

3.This is my son, my daughter-n-law and my newest grand-daughter, Harper. She is 4 weeks this Monday(today). She is their first child and my heart sings each time I see them all together! (well my heart sings whenever I see her, but it really sings loud when they are together as a family!
Monday Quiz About Me 7-9-2012

4.  I called my grandmothers ( I never knew either of my grandfathers) Grandmother Land or Campbell.  My grandchildren call me NaNa (nahnah) but my step grandchildren call me GG (Grandmother Gloria).
5.  I don't know what kind of weather you are having, but the heat has been all but unbearable here.  We also have had wind storms, something we never have!  I did not even know you could have such wind without even any rain or lightening!  We spent a week at the beach, other than that, I have pretty much stayed in the house with the airconditioner to beat the heat this summer.  Sure hope this heat wave breaks soon and cooler temps head our way!
Have a wonderful Monday!
Happy Sewing!

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