Lifestyle Magazine

Monday Miscellany: Special Olympics, Passover And More

By Unefemme @DejaPseu

Special Olympics, love the support and encouragement!!!

Want an uplifting way to spend a few hours? Check out a Special Olympics event. The overwhelming amount of encouragement, support and celebration for special needs people at all levels of ability is just amazing. And not only from the volunteers but also from the spectators who cheer enthusiastically for every participant. You can see so much pride and sense of accomplishment on the faces of the athletes. This is such a fabulous program for everyone involved!

Jeune Homme began participating in Special Olympics last fall, and this spring he’s doing Track & Field because he likes running. With his mild CP he’s not fast, and his cognitive disabilities cause him to get distracted at times, but we were able to watch him run and finish both a 50-meter and 100-meter dash (the second with a bit of help). This is quite an achievement for him, and we were so thrilled to see him enjoying himself so much. Above, JH crosses the finish line in the 100-meter dash. Look at all of the volunteers cheering and urging him on.

Lots on my plate this week, including a visit to the dentist. Saturday night as I was flossing, I popped the crown off one of my molars. It doesn’t look cracked or damaged, so I think they should just be able to glue it back on (fingers crossed…don’t need the additional expense of a new crown at this time!).

A new Pilates studio just opened in my neighborhood (the kind with Reformer machines) so I’m taking a free introductory class this morning and may sign up for a couple of classes per week. One of my lovely readers who is a Pilates instructor treated me to a free session last year, and I could definitely tell that it would be a good workout for me to improve my core strength and overall mobility. The proximity (the studio’s a 10 minute walk from my house) makes it more likely that I’ll actually go regularly. Fingers crossed, again.

Tonight’s the first night of Passover, so Happy Passover to those who are celebrating! We’re going to our Aunt’s house for Seder; she always has such a lovely one. If you’ve been invited to a Seder and aren’t sure what to bring (or are just looking for another kosher-for-Passover dish), here’s a recipe for Matzoh Apple Kugel that’s super easy and only takes about 90 minutes or so to make, including baking time.

I’m hitting the wall with my hair again, and am seriously considering going back to a pixie cut. (Similar to the one in my profile photo.)

We’re still hip-deep in our Italy travel planning, working on the Venice portion now. Thanks very much to all of you who have offered suggestions! They’ve been very helpful. I’ll be finalizing and posting my travel wardrobe in a couple of weeks. You can see all of my prior travel wardrobes and recaps HERE.

travel wardrobe starter kit ideas

And if you’re building or updating your own travel wardrobe, you can see some of my seasonal picks here: TRAVEL WARDROBE STARTER KIT.

Hope your week is off to a good start!

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