Dating Magazine

MojoPages VIP: CorePower Yoga

By Elliemendz @EllieMendz
Hey There:
I was invited to another MojoPages VIP event, this time a little different than what we are used to. The event involved yoga, food and of course some booze. We met at CorePower Yoga, in their new location in Encinitas, CA
My previous experience with yoga has been doing it at home with a video, so it's nothing more than stretching. And doing it at the gym with bright lights, the faint sounds of pop music and weights clanking. I normally avoid yoga because my tummy and big thighs get in the way of the poses.
From the moment you walk into CorePower Yoga, you have a feeling of calm and you immediately feel far away from the bustle of the day. There is a very nice flow from the entrance to the reception, the small lounge, the lockers, their boutique and of course the yoga rooms.
We had one session of Vinyasa type yoga for beginner's, there was quiet a bit of movement with the room slightly warm, dim lights, candles and soft music. Even though there was a competition among three of us for the worst in class and a pregnant lady next to me was doing most of the moves, I didn't feel self-conscious at all. I felt free to just do what I could and not feel inadequate. There was one instructor and an assistant helping us with the poses.
The session itself did give me a good challenge and when the instructor said we would be doing the last downward dog I felt like cheering out loud. Another thing I noticed is that as I began the session some of my muscles protested, but by the end of the session I was able to bend all the way and place my hands under my feet with my legs straight. I was very proud of me and my new found flexibility. I felt the session for days afterwards, especially in my core area.
MojoPages VIP: CorePower Yoga
MojoPages VIP: CorePower Yoga
MojoPages VIP: CorePower Yoga
MojoPages VIP: CorePower Yoga
MojoPages VIP: CorePower Yoga
Once we finished the workout we were treated to a very good and light champagne and some really yummy protein bars. We sampled several flavors like Banana Chocolate Chip, Chewy Macadamia, Lemon Vanilla and others. The bars were offered by a local nutrion company called FitzeeFoods, they are in the process of re-branding themselves and launching their new site, as soon as that happens I'll be updating this post.
FitzeeFoods' goal is to provide a nutritional makeover with ready made meals prepared daily with fresh, organic & all-natural ingredients. Depending on your budget and nutriotional needs they offer packages of up to three meals a day plus protein bars. There might be a possibility to have a MojoPages VIP event with FitzeeFoods, I hope that happens so we can learn more about them. In the meantime I can say the protein bars were very good.
MojoPages VIP: CorePower Yoga
So once again, Thanks MojoPages for another very interesting event and I look forward to the next one!

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