Welcome back to part 2 of my geometrically inspired alternative to vintage and shabby chic wedding styles. In the last post which you can see here we took a look at square and circular ideas. This article is cracking on with some triangular and chevron based ideas.
Chevron Wedding Stationery

Chevron Wedding InvitationYellow Grey
Chevron wedding stationery is a big trend for the latter half of 2013. You may have seen some chevron designs on my own blog. They’re dynamic and can work in pastel or bright colours. I’ve shown some regular and irregular ones here to give you an idea.

Irregular chevron wedding invitation
These designs featured in my post on chevron designs on my own stationery blog. There are further chevron ideas there too.
Triangular Wedding Stationery
Following on from chevrons we have triangles. In some cases they’re half a square and always remind me how cunning some of the ancient Greeks were. (Yay Pythagoras!) The first idea is more patterned and regular with multiple lines of symmetry.

orange yellow geometric triangle invitation
The second idea is meant to be more random and is good for bringing colours together in a slightly more carefree style. I used an outline to give it a slightly different look from the last idea and also used paler colours in one corner to make it easy to read the details.

grey triangles modern wedding stationery
Both of these designs were based on work done for a geometric wedding stationery post on my own blog.
Interested in these designs?
None of these designs are currently listed on the Artemis Stationery website. If you like what you see here and in the previous article they could easily be used with any of the types of bespoke stationery and invitations. The website is being relaunched very soon though and I am looking forward to getting some of these designs up there.
Contact Artemis Stationery or say hello here!
To contact me visit my contact page on Artemis Stationery or leave a message here. I’d love to know what other ideas people have in avoiding vintage or even how people are doing something new with vintage.