Lifestyle Magazine

Modern & Geometric Wedding Stationery Pt 2

By Claire

Wel­come back to part 2 of my geo­met­ri­cally inspired alter­na­tive to vin­tage and shabby chic wed­ding styles.  In the last post which you can see here we took a look at square and cir­cu­lar ideas.  This arti­cle is crack­ing on with some tri­an­gu­lar and chevron based ideas.

 Chevron Wed­ding Stationery

Chevron Wedding InvitationYellow Grey & Geometric Wedding Stationery pt 2')">

Chevron Wed­ding Invi­ta­tionYel­low Grey

Chevron wed­ding sta­tionery is a big trend for the lat­ter half of 2013. You may have seen some chevron designs on my own blog. They’re dynamic and can work in pas­tel or bright colours.  I’ve shown some reg­u­lar and irreg­u­lar ones here to give you an idea.

Irregular chevron wedding invitation
& Geometric Wedding Stationery pt 2')">

Irreg­u­lar chevron wed­ding invitation

These designs fea­tured in my post on chevron designs on my own sta­tionery blog.  There are fur­ther chevron ideas there too.

Tri­an­gu­lar Wed­ding Stationery

Fol­low­ing on from chevrons we have tri­an­gles.  In some cases they’re half a square and always remind me how cun­ning some of the ancient Greeks were. (Yay Pythago­ras!)  The first idea is more pat­terned and reg­u­lar with mul­ti­ple lines of symmetry.

orange yellow geometric triangle invitation
& Geometric Wedding Stationery pt 2')">

orange yel­low geo­met­ric tri­an­gle invitation

The sec­ond idea is meant to be more ran­dom and is good for bring­ing colours together in a slightly more care­free style.  I used an out­line to give it a slightly dif­fer­ent look from the last idea and also used paler colours in one cor­ner to make it easy to read the details.

grey triangles modern wedding stationery
& Geometric Wedding Stationery pt 2')">

grey tri­an­gles mod­ern wed­ding stationery

Both of these designs were based on work done for a geo­met­ric wed­ding sta­tionery post on my own blog.

Inter­ested in these designs?

None of these designs are cur­rently listed on the Artemis Sta­tionery web­site.  If you like what you see here and in the pre­vi­ous arti­cle they could eas­ily be used with any of the types of bespoke sta­tionery and invi­ta­tions.  The web­site is being relaunched very soon though and I am look­ing for­ward to get­ting some of these designs up there.

Con­tact Artemis Sta­tionery or say hello here!

To con­tact me visit my con­tact page on Artemis Sta­tionery or leave a mes­sage here.  I’d love to know what other ideas peo­ple have in avoid­ing vin­tage or even how peo­ple are doing some­thing new with vintage.

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