Books Magazine

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins Review

By Christiesbookreviews @christiewriting

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins ReviewMockingjay by Suzanne Collins★★☆☆In the final book of the Hunger Games trilogy Katniss fought backagainst President Snow. She was the Mockingjay,the symbol of the rebellion. She had to be an example and lead the rebellionwhile also dealing with her emotions. The Capital had captured Peeta and the numberone thing she wanted was for him to be safe. The second thing Katniss wanted wasto kill President Snow for all the pain and destruction he had caused.
I was very disappointed withthis book, after being so excited to read it after finishing Catching Fire and loving it. I felt thestory lacked real emotion. It was more like reading a series of events, withoutreally feeling emotionally connected to the characters, like I had with theother books. I read things that should have pulled at my heart but I only feltdisconnected from the story.I don’t mean to be harsh butafter the beautiful work the author showed with the first two books this was ahuge let down. I’m perfectly happy reading books that aren’t all happy and havefairy-tale endings. I read a ton of books that do not have happy endings. Withthat said I need to feel the emotion that the characters are supposedlyfeeling. I did not feel that in this book. This book gave me the feeling likethat author was done with the series and just wanted to end it.I also didn’t like how thefuture was tacked on. When I was reading it all I could think of is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Itwas different because the story was not the same as Harry Potter. It showed herabout twenty years later, who she ended up with and how her life turned out.This also made a statement from the author saying, “ok you know how their livesended up, I’m done.” It didn’t feel original or give me much of a feeling forthe characters’ lives.The story line was a goodidea but I just felt that it was wrongly executed. She could have made thislast installment great but instead I feel like she ruined it.There are people that enjoyed Mockingjay,Claire from YA Bookie Monster loved it, read her review here

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