One annoying aspect of Milan that I experienced in Paris back in 2010 not in 2013 is all the peddlers. It was ridiculous. I had my big azz camera so I basically had "I am a tourist" boldly written on my forehead.

We checked out the Duomo church, Piazza della Scala, Sforza Castle and other landmarks. Like most places we've been, we have little children, there were no partaking in the famous operas or museums. But my husband and I said we will definitely be back....some time in the lifetime! Atop the Duomo Cathedral

src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8257/8641529403_f4b899f973_z.jpg" width="640" height="427" alt="IMG_5853">Of course we ate quite well. The restaurants' prices were a bit on the high end, but we didn't have one bad meal. The prices stung initially, but later we had no regrets! Right, honey?

This was terrifying but I've always wanted to do it!

Ciao Bellas!!
I have over 100 pictures in my flickr album if you want to see more. The link is on the left sidebar.