Current Magazine

Microsoft To Buy Finnish Mobile Technology That Is Not Angry Birds

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Reuters reports that Microsoft will buy Nokia’s phone business for $7.2 billion dollars.

3 Questions That Arise From This Story

1. Isn’t this like Windows ’95 and Cell Phone 2002 having a baby?

2. If so, might we suggest a biopic entitled $7.2 Billion Dollar Baby starring Hilary Swank as a young electronic device being coached by Clint Eastwood, an older man who thinks debating an empty chair is the same thing as Skype.

Angry Birds Candy

Who can stay mad at some birds when they come in delicious candy flavors? Not us!

3. Out of all the Finnish mobile technology, why did you choose Nokia, and not Rovio, the maker of Angry Birds? Unlike Nokia phones, kids everywhere love these birds, and they’re angry! Just imagine if someone enrolled the birds into an anger management program? Can you say, “unlimited potential!”

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