Rumors about Microsoft’s upcoming smartwatch have been swirling around the web for a while now, and it seems that the company is officially getting ready to launch the device. According to a recent report (Forbes), the watch could launch within weeks, and what’s great is that it won’t be compatible with Windows Phone only, but with iOS and Android devices, too.
The smartwatch will focus heavily on fitness and sports, and rumor has it that this wearable device will arrive with 11 different sensors that will monitor your heart rate, steps, and more.
Other rumored specs include a 1.5” display, although we’re still unfamiliar with how the display will be shaped, and whether it will be a round or a rectangular one. It’s also been said that the smartwatch will boast a battery that will last you for two whole days of regular use. Bear in mind that that’s twice what most smartwatches on the market currently offer (both the Moto 360 and the Galaxy Gear watch need to be charged about once a day).
We still don’t have any info on the device’s hardware, price, and name, but as soon as these details become available, you’ll be the first to know.