Books Magazine

Michael Buble is Better Than Chocolate

By Steph's Scribe @stephverni

BubleChristmasI have a serious addiction to chocolate.

I also have this notion that I was born in the wrong era. I much prefer listening to Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Dean Martin, and Nat King Cole on any given day than to dance music. Call me crazy, but I like the romanticism of the lyrics and that I can actually understand them too.

Then, along came Mr. Suave, Michael Buble. Sinatra reincarnate. I have a big ‘ole crush on Mr. Buble, have seen him in concert three times, and own every piece of music he’s ever recorded. He can be raunchy, funny, sentimental, and appears to be a generally good guy.

The good news is, my husband’s an old soul, too, and we both enjoy music from the 1940s, 1950s, and even some 1960s and 1970s music. My husband’s also the one who has taken me to see Mr. Buble on all three occasions. He doesn’t mind that I listen to him quite a bit in the house, and in fact, wraps up Mr. Buble’s CDs for me as gifts whenever an album is released.

I’d say my husband is a pretty cool guy.

And Mr. Buble is better than chocolate.

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Watch this clip and see Buble’s expression on stage. Priceless.

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