Hair & Beauty Magazine

Merry Christmas Everyone!

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
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I know I'm a bit late considering it's now boxing day and I'm just getting on to say Merry Christmas to you all but it was such a busy day that blogging just didn't happen. I'm feeling beyond happy right because it was as close to a perfect Christmas as it could possibly get thanks to my wonderful boyfriend and now I just can't believe it's over already! I thought I'd take a few snaps of my pressies as I personally love seeing what other people got for Christmas and you'll see that I was majorly spoiled by David with a beautiful new iPad (which seems to be stuck to my hands now). You might also notice that the picture quality has increased and this is because my brother has now invested in a DSLR, a Canon 550D to be precise, meaning that I can also use it for blog photos (hurrah!).
I hope everyone has had a lovely time surrounded by loved ones, receiving lots of fab presents and filling up on plenty of scrummy food 

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