Following on from last week’s Menu Plan Monday, I learned three important things:
- I need to take my lunches into account. I had chicken salad for lunch on Monday and Tuesday - the same days we had chicken for dinner. Yawn!
- I prep too much through the week. I spent all day chopping and cooking food last weekend, yet still found myself still doing a lot of preparation through the week. I don’t mind cooking on my days off, but on a weeknight I just want to get in, heat something up and get into my onesie.
- We eat a lot of meat! I hadn’t really noticed how much until I started this menu planning malarkey. Not only did we have chicken three times last week, we also had mince two days in a row! I’m not pledging to turn vegetarian or anything, but the amount of meat we eat is mildly concerning me. It’s too late to factor in any changes to this week’s menu plan, but I’ll take it into consideration next week.
So this is what we had last week:
- Monday – Chicken Marsala
- Tuesday – Chinese Style Chicken Noodle Soup
- Wednesday - Burger & Fries inside the SSE Hydro when we went to WWE Wrestlemania. It was awful. Don’t do it, people, it’s vile and extortionate.
- Thursday - My intentions of soup & a toastie went out the window. I craved my guilty pleasure of Hamwiches, lattice fries and lots of beans. It was one of those days.
- Friday – Black Pudding Cottage Pie with a cheesy spring onion mash topping. One of my favorite inventions!
- Saturday – Taco night, using my own chilli recipe.
- Sunday - Roast chicken dinner with honey glazed carrots and lots of yorkies. Slurp!
This week’s dinner is looking like this:
What are you all having? Is the warm(ish) weather putting you in the mood for a light soup? Why not try this Butternut Squash & Sweet Potato soup or my classic Leek & Potato?
Perhaps you’ve got a BBQ on the horizon… I’d thoroughly recommend these juicy Mozzarella Stuffed Burgers.
Have a swatch through my A-Z Recipes and see if there’s anything you’d like to incorporate into your own menu plan!