Fashion Magazine

Memory Box

By Mollylouise
Memory Box
Lovely box wrapped by my friend Chloe.
Memory Box
My leavers book, full up with cute messages and photos from my school days.
Memory Box
Butlin's lanyard which I love collecting badges. I may be sixteen but I still love it!
Memory Box
Brownies sash, I started badges on the back too. Look at the High School Musical badge at the bottom.
Memory Box
Music Experience ticket from London in 2011. My second time in London with my friend on the music and drama trip.
Memory Box
Online version of photograph from Alton Towers Y11 praise trip. Such a blast!!
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The odd baby photo. Look at that sass!
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Harry Potter the tour 2013. Loved it!
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Primary school bookmark with my sister. Probably when I was in Y5. I look babyfied. 
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Teacher's award from infant school. Y1 and I still have it!☺
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'Eva' seriously Molly? I love my creativity here. The efforts I made just to have friends. 
Memory Box
One Direction THE MOVIE! The fangirl feels. I went on day of opening. It was fantastic!
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Work Experience from the primary school I went to. Lovely pictures the Y4's did for me. 
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Brownies photo. I don't even know why it's in my memory box. It's probably because it was in the newspaper.
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Thirteenth birthday! Throwback to awful party photos and weirdness.
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First half creative piece of D&T work I had done and was proud of. 
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Y6 school photo. I look about 6 and look at my chubby cheeks. 
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Amazing sights and overall fantastic time. First time going to London.
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Being a fantastic student and partaking in schooly activities. 
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Introduction to secondary school, wow feels like yesterday. 
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Rabbit fur from over the pond in New Zealand. So fluffy!
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Passing GCSE Maths. Achievement! Never thought this would ever happen.
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Star of the week. Get me! These were more exciting than the patronising ones I got in Year 11.
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Polly Pocket, my favorite childhood toy. I must have spent hundreds of pound on every playset/
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A present from from my friend from when we fell out. A make up present I suppose. 
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A silly present from my friend Chloe, definitely describes our relationship.
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Y6 Leavers t-shirt. Look how small it is. 
Memory BoxMemory BoxMemory Box
Revision shirts - French and Psychology. Definitely shows my perfectionism. The psychology one has smudged ink - why did I wear it with wet hair?Memory Box

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