I got a Master's Degree!

Little Cormorant Lake in MN (my parent's home) this picture so captures how I felt that day.

Me and my parents just before I headed back West...

One of my favorite pictures of me, in one of my favorite places... Glacier Park, Montana. I had just hiked a mountain that 10 years previous, I could only get a few feet up. I was finally living up to my potential...

One of the things that was so weird about being thinner was; how COLD I was all of the time! I think I had about 3 sweatshirts at all times on this trip...
The first issue was the ex pictures.... I am not one of those people who saves all the pictures of the ex - or even remains friends with exes. I know some people find that appalling, but it's just not my bag baby. Along with that, came the memories of a time when I was really really happy.(see above) I had just finished graduate school, weighed less than I ever had as an adult, and was visiting family and friends, hiking in the Rockies, and living it up! I am usually really amazed at pictures of me at that time, I can't believe I looked like that - I remember how I felt; strong, energetic, flirty, proud, and hopeful. At that time, I remember carrying pics of me weighing about what I do now - and I(and many others) would say, "Wow, I can't believe you were ever that big..." At the time, I couldn't either.
The good news is that today, as I glanced over pictures of my lighter self - I thought; that IS you. You remember what you did to get there, and you CAN do it again. You can feel that, and more. Looking at the pictures also made me feel so incredibly grateful for the relationship I have now. My sweet Graham is so loving and accepting of me at my worst(and I'm not just talking weight people). I so dream of the day when I can truly offer him my best. Each day, I try - and when I don't succeed, I vow to try again.(Weight is a part of that, but not for the obvious reasons...)
What do you think of pictures? Do you keep all your photos? How about photos of exes? Do you ever look at old pics and feel nostalgic? Do they ever motivate you?