Food & Drink Magazine

Meat Free Feasts

By Emma Whoriskey @whoriskeyemma
18 September, 2014
Meat Free Feasts

Lately I've been trying to cut down on the amount of meat I eat, not because I'm a vegetarian but because it's better for us! Eating meat every day isn't recommended, particularly red meat. Experts advise limiting red meat consumption to one or two days in a week, eating fish or chicken on the other days. Or better still reserve a couple of days for meat free munching. Eating too much red meat leads to high cholesterol, heart disease and obesity. Intensive rearing of cows has lead to an increase in methane gas emissions, one cow emits approximately the same amount of CO2 as your car! Now I'm not saying you shouldn't eat meat, I love a big fat juicy steak as much as the next person but it's as if we're in a habit of thinking that when our meals don't entirely revolve around meat they're not worth considering.

Meat free meals aren't just for vegetarians, they're for everyone. Better still meat free meals are generally cheaper, and could help you cut your food budget. See, what's not to love? Cutting down on meat will be good for your health, reduce your carbon footprint, improve your waistline and be better for your wallet! With this in mind we've dedicated two days a week to meat free meals. I'll post on my instagram and facebook pages our meat free meal ideas to keep you inspired to drop meat for two days a week, and if any of you have nay meat free ideas please feel free to post them on my page too. In the meantime here are a few meat free feasts we've had lately.......

Meat free shepard's pie, this was so lovely even my husband and children wolfed it without complaint.

Meat Free Feasts

Fish finger Sambo --> link to my recipe -->

Meat Free Feasts

Roasted Vegetable Pasta Sauce --> link to my recipe --->

Meat Free Feasts
Meat Free Feasts

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