Current Magazine

McDonald’s Serving Chocolate Covered French Fries In Japan

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

CNN reports that in an effort to improve sales, McDonald’s is bringing chocolate-covered French fries to Japan.  Since we’re all about helping giant corporations, here are:

3 New Slogans We Propose For McDonald’s

  1. “Our new product department now being run by four-year olds.  Also try our dessert pastries featuring crayon drawings on the dessert instead of icing.”
  2. “We’re totally on-top of what the health-conscious people of Japan want, so sorry America, you’ll have to just dream about chocolate fries.”
  3. “Hey, people will eat something stupid once, right?  Don’t believe us, ask the people in this country that serves blowfish that may kill you if prepared incorrectly.”

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