Culture Magazine

Maybelline's Namesake, Mabel Williams Vintage 1925 Wedding Album Pictures

By Sharriewilliams
Maybelline's namesake, Mabel Williams Vintage 1925 Wedding Album pictures

Mabel may have put  the "M" in Maybelline, but, she had no interest in being just another "It Girl," or "Vamp."  She was a traditional, 32 year old, Southern Lady, waiting for her man to come along.  

Maybelline's namesake, Mabel Williams Vintage 1925 Wedding Album picturesUnbeknownst to her, Chester Randolph Hewes, was living in Chicago and working at Montgomery Wards, in the automotive, advertising department.

Maybelline's namesake, Mabel Williams Vintage 1925 Wedding Album pictures

Mabel's brother, Maybelline founder, Tom Lyle Williams with the Bride and Groom and Chet's sister Bonnie.

At the time Chester, was involved with an English girl he'd met in England, while in the Navy, during

WW l.  He had said goodbye to her and her family after his stint was over, headed back to the US, got a job and was busy working.  When all of a sudden, Connie, her mother and several grown brothers showed up on his doorstep.

Maybelline's namesake, Mabel Williams Vintage 1925 Wedding Album pictures

Mabel with her father, Thomas Jefferson Williams

He told her he did not want to marry her, but being a gentleman, arranged for an apartment for the family and  jobs for her brothers.  After awhile she realized Chester, just wasn't that into her, so, packed up her family and sadly, headed back to England.

Maybelline's namesake, Mabel Williams Vintage 1925 Wedding Album pictures

1928 Mabel and Chet with their first child, Shirley

Mabel met Chester, through his sister Bonnie when he came to pick up Bonnie at a bridal shower given at the home of Chester's then girlfriend.  Mabel was also a guest and after Chester met her, he told a friend, Mabel was the girl he was going to marry.

Maybelline's namesake, Mabel Williams Vintage 1925 Wedding Album pictures

1934, Mabel and Chet with their three children, Shirley, Tommy and baby Joyce.
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