Anyway, today I'm reviewing Maybelline's new Colorsensational High Shine Gloss in the shade Glisten Up Pink!

Price:INR 350
Packaging:The lipgloss comes in a typical lip gloss packaging except that instead of it being round, it's square. The transparent tube lets you see what kind of color it is. A weird thing about the packaging though is that it has no name of the brand, color or anything like that on the side of the tube. WHY? I don't know. -__-'

It has a normal doe foot wand.

It has the name of the color on the bottom.

Colour, Texture and Fragrance:

Glisten Up Pink is a baby pink colour, great for those who have fair and cooler skin. It has tiny silver shimmers that give the lips a plump look. They don't feel gritty in anyway and the lipgloss is quite smooth.It has a very faint citrus smell and is completely non-sticky.
On left: Thick swatch On right: Spread out
As you can see, the baby pink color doesn't suit me much at all, and washes me out or rather makes my skin look a bit yellow. It is however a great color to apply over nude lipstick or liner like MAC Spice, paired up with a black smokey eye.
One layer: Pigmentation still shows.

Two layers: Pigmentation well covered but still showing

Over nude pink lip liner
Wear:The High Shine gloss doesn't last too long on my lips especially after eating. Because it is non-sticky it doesn't have the wear that another stickier gloss would have. A problem I had with this color was that the silver shimmers would spread a bit around my mouth area. >.<Without eating it lasts for 3-4 hours.Overall:Not being a lip gloss girl, I liked this one just because of the non sticky texture. It doesn't last long because of this though. The shimmers add a 3 dimensional look but move around. So for every pro there seems to be a con. The best pros are that it is cheap and available everywhere!Of course, I would buy this gloss, especially to use on shoots but definitely would prefer a different colour, like Gleaming Grenadine or Captivating Coral just because they would suit me better!
There are 8 shades of the Colorsensational High Shine Glosses. You can see them all here.
Have you tried the Maybelline Color Sensational High Shine Gloss? What color do you prefer? Do let me know in comments below!
Thanks for reading!♥
Product provided by company for consideration. All opinions are honest and my own!