Hair & Beauty Magazine

Maybelline Blush Studio Cheeky Glow Peachy Sweetie - Review, Swatch

By Poutpretty @PoutPretty
I know exactly what you are thinking right now . You are saying ‘Oh my that is such a cute looking blush’ Right? Guess how I know? Because that was exactly what I had said when I looked at this cutie the first time.
Maybelline Blush Studio Cheeky Glow Peachy Sweetie - Review, Swatch
Maybelline this year has been on a roll launching a lot of new products and the latest to hit stores is the Cheeky Glow range of blushes. These have been launched in countries like Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand etc earlier this year and now it’s our turn to make our cheeks glow. Available in three shades, the Cheeky Glow range claims to:
  • Give cheeks that glow with a natural finish
  • Have Ultra lightweight, silky blendable powders
  • Blend flawlessly
  • Give a soft texture for a natural hue
The shade that I’m talking about is Peachy  Sweetie, a light peachy pink with a hint of coral. And how cute is the name!  When I first looked at the shade, I was quite apprehensive and wondered if it would show up on my NC43 skin. The color looked more suitable for fair skin but after trying it out, I really like it. Won’t say that it is the most pigmented blush I've used and you really need to layer it on to get color but I love the healthy flushed look it gives me.
Maybelline Blush Studio Cheeky Glow Peachy Sweetie - Review, Swatch
I love the dome shape packaging of the blush. Yes, its pretty flimsy and the clear lid will probably shatter to pieces if you manage to drop it but then that’s the case with practically all packaging. The blush does not come with a brush and I don’t miss one either. Most of the brushes that come with products are pretty useless anyway so good that Maybelline did not include one.
Peachy Sweetie has fine shimmer when you look at it in the pan but on the cheeks the finish is matte with a slight sheen. I like the texture of the blush and at Rs 250, the quality is pretty good. It’s soft, smooth, not powdery and does not turn chalky on application. And it blends very well too.
The only problem I have with the blush is that the pigmentation is not that great. Like I mentioned earlier, you will need to layer it on for color. I do it about 4-5 times to get that light flush on the cheeks. However this has an advantage as well. You can control how much color you want and that is something not always possible with blushes that are highly pigmented. The staying power is decent and I get about four hours of wear time without the color fading away or turning patchy. However, on oily skin, it will probably last less than that. 
Maybelline Blush Studio Cheeky Glow Peachy Sweetie - Review, Swatch
Peachy Sweetie is a lovely color for office and daily wear and I see the Cheeky Glow range becoming a hit specially with teens and college going students. For Rs 250, the amount of product that you get is a lot (7g) and the quality is pretty good too. Out of all the shades that I've seen in this range, I think Peachy Sweetie is probably the best of the lot for that natural flushed look. Would recommend you to try out this one.
For more information on this range, click here. 
P.S - PR Sample. Review 100% mine

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