Humor Magazine

Mayan Apocalypse Countdown Begins for Doomsday

By Macrogers

The End is NearWith Sunday started the two-month countdown towards the final ‘D-Day’, as per the interpretations of the Mayan calendar. The Mayan Apocalypse confirms doomsday will strike on earth on December 21, 2012 i.e. mere two months of existence of humanity [only if you believe it].

Two ancient texts traced back to the ancient civilization confirm the end date of the Mayan Long Count calendar on the winter solstice of this year, which is Dec. 21, 2012. That day is the last day of the 13th bak’tun, or 144,000-day cycle, of the calendar. Ancient Maya would have seen the end of the 13th bak’tun as the end of a full cycle of creation.

However, experts in Mayan history say the end of the Long Count calendar is the correspondent of the need buy a new calendar every year in December — not an indication of doomsday.

“This new evidence suggests that the 13 bak’tun date was an important calendrical event that would have been celebrated by the ancient Maya; however, they make no apocalyptic prophecies whatsoever regarding the date,” Marcello Canuto, the director of Tulane University Middle America Research Institute, told after the discovery of an ancient text referring to the date.

Yet, not everyone believes that the Mayan apocalypse will bring along earthquakes, floods and fire to destroy the entire life cycle on planet Earth. According to John Hoopes, a scholar of Maya history at the University of Kansas, many believers see the imminent days as a time of spiritual transformation.

Whatsoever it may be, guess it’s time to dig through your savings and spend like a king coz we don’t know about the Mayan apocalypse, but for sure Christmas season sales have already commenced.

So why waste time, instead utilize it for some fun-filled Christmas shopping.


Earth Expires on 21st December 2012

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