Image of a white devil in Black African culture.
By Louise Mukasine
On Sunday 19/07/15 Francoise Uwamahoro, a young Rwandan woman had a miscarriage due to lack of care inside the Kisangani transit camp, while a man named Kanimba died in Walungu after long weeks of agony. Since then, we have learned from reliable sources within the Red Cross, that Martin Kobler himself refused access to the Red Cross as they were trying to come to the aid of more than 800 hundred Rwandan refugees in the Kisangani transit camp.
Donatille Niyibizi who is suffering from ascites disease has not been seen by a medical professional in weeks and her health is rapidly deteriorating.
Odette Nyiramburayonzi’s little boy, by the name of Jackson Ruremesha, has a serious case of anal fissure and oral candidiasis that has been left untreated due to the fact that no medical personnel are allowed inside the camp, and whenever they show up, they stay for less than two hours and tend not to do any follow up regardless of the seriousness of a case.
Joseline Umugwaneza who is now pregnant is afraid of having a miscarriage, because she has had several already. During last month’s raid on the camp, she briefly fell into a coma. She hasn’t had any follow up since then. It was during that time that another pregnant young woman went into labor due to fear. She had a premature baby who is still alive even though he hasn’t been seen by a Doctor since birth.
During his appearance before the Security Council, Martin Kobler made a strangely placed statement about the use of sexual violence during war times, referring to the fact that women’s bodies should not be used as a battlefield in war. What he forgot to mention, is that the last army to engage in such barbarity was his MONUSCO boys, under the command of Major Rodrigue who hasn’t been seen in Kisangani for a few weeks now. We have also learned from sources inside the camp that Lydie Moseka, the Congolese Camp Director who terrorized these refugees for a while has left the camp for Kinshasa, and she was replaced by Mme Sifa, It is not clear if this is a permanent or temporary reassignment for Mme Mosika who seems to be the perfect scapegoat for all the crimes that have taken place in this camp for the last three months. Moseka a Congolese national
In the meantime, Martin Kobler staffers have increased pressure on the refugees to compel them to return to Rwanda, going as far as threatening to take them into remote tropical jungle areas where they won’t have any ways to communicate their problems to the rest of the world. They also continue to confiscate mobile phones from the refugees in order to cover up the horrors that are taking place inside the camp.
Those who still believe that the inhumane treatment that Rwandan Refugees in Kisangani have been subjected to such as: starvation, solitary confinement, denial of medical care, physical abuse and even sexual assaults were the actions of a few bad apples, might reconsider this position simply because it has become clear that this is a UN plan hatched by Martin Kobler in hopes that these refugees would rather go to Rwanda than enduring his torture games.
The fact that he has stopped the Red Cross from helping these refugees says it all. In addition, the UN/US lobby has taken an aggressive stance to protect Kobler from any sense of responsibility, that for weeks now, an organization such as Human Rights Watch has been informed of these grave violations of human rights and it has chosen to ignore them completely for reasons that are far beyond any human decency.
We would like to advise the Congolese staffers and military personnel at the Camp that the UN has a pattern of blaming its crimes on the locals and encourage them to refuse any order to torture and brutalize other Africans on behalf of the UN’s corrupt system. We may also remind the World that most of camp residents are women and children who have nothing to do with the conflicts in Eastern Congo and some of them are direct survivors of the genocide against hutu refugees that was perpetrated by the Armies of Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi under the approving eye of the UN which later on documented its macabre experiment in what it has called the UN Mapping report. It is time for the African countries involved in Eastern Congo to take a stand for human dignity and take a proactive attitude in preventing these crimes from taking place.
Source: AFERWAR – Duterimbere
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