Family Magazine

Marker Picture on Popsicle Sticks

By Kathybarbro @KathyBarbro
Marker Picture on Popsicle SticksI’m not done with my popsicle obsession yet, and have tried a new combination. I wanted to try making a more realistic portrait to see how it would look on the wood. 1. I started by making a board of 8 jumbo sticks that were glued in the back with 2 parallel sticks (trimmed so that their ends would not show from the front).
2. Dry Wax paper is used for the drawing. This can be found at food supply stores and is generally used to wrap things like hot dogs. It should say “dry wax paper” somewhere on the package. Place a sheet over a picture that you like and trace in pencil. When complete, color with a large multipack of permanent markers. The Bic brand has the best skin tones.
3. When complete, cut out your picture right on the edge of the border. I traced and cut a second square so that I could have two layers. I needed the opacity for the dog to look white, but you may not need to if you have used color everywhere. Using a mixture of 50/50 glue and water, wet the board and the back of the art. Place together and brush another layer of mixture on top so that all the layers are thoroughly wet and smooth.

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