Fashion Magazine

Marisota Pop Up Shop Manchester |Win a VIP Experience

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls


Hello you lovely lot!

Marisota are holding a pop up shop in Manchester from Thursday 3rd April until Sunday 6th April, they have been running them across the country and Manchester is the last one.

I am very excited to get the chance to see what Marisota offer, I’ve never bought anything from them before, and to be honest I’ve never taken a look at the website. I will be attending an event at the pop up store on Thursday evening, which will be a great chance for me to look at clothes in real life and also to learn more about Marisota and the Shapeology concept.

TV expert Mark Heyes and a team of shapeologists will also be at the pop store to give ‘shapeovers’ to visitors. I know i’ll be giving the shapeover a try! The shapeology range has been designed to create fashionable pieces which enhance the parts we love about ourselves, to give us an extra confidence boost!

Marisota have also given me the chance to offer 5 of you a VIP experience at the pop up store on Saturday or Sunday. For your chance to win all you need to do is email [email protected] with BethTinkerbell as the subject and a contact phone number. You need to email by 12 noon on Friday 4th April, so that you can be contacted to arrange a time for your VIP experience if you do win.

Marisota offer clothes in sizes 12 –32, you will be able to try on pieces of clothing in the pop up store, and if anything takes your fancy you can order it in the store with 20% discount and free home delivery. If you do visit the pop up store then be sure to make use of the magic mirror which allows you to share images on social media, perfect for getting advice from your friends if you’re not sure what to buy!

Good Luck if you decide to enter, and even if you don’t win the pop up shop is a great chance to get to touch and feel the clothes which you’ll find online.

Tink x

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